Anybody who visits this loserville page, please make a heartfelt du'a:
May Allah remove from us procrastination and laziness
may He bless us with barakah in our time
may He eventually bless us with the unimaginable...
".....My slave approaches Me with nothing more beloved to Me than what I have made obligatory upon him, and My slave keeps drawing near to Me with voluntary works until I love him, and when I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his sight with which he sees, his hand with which he seizes, and his foot with which he walks. If he asks Me, I will surely give him, and if he seeks refuge in Me , I will surely protect him."
One amazing du'a in time of anxiety, difficulty and need from the Sunnah of the Beloved Sallallahu alayhi wa Sallam, a reminder for all:
'Allahumma inni audhubika minal hammi wa'l huzni wa audhubika minal 'ajzi wa'l kasari wa audhubika jubni wa'l bukhli wa audhubika min ghalabati'd dayni wa qahrir Rijaal'
To the nearest meaning:
'O Allah! I seek Your protection against worry and grief; I seek Your protection from timidity and indolence; I seek Your protection from cowardice and selfishness and I seek Your protection from over whelming indebtedness and oppression of people'.
...Ponder upon those meanings and then have reliance upon Allah Azzawajal (assign the matter to Him) and carry out the daily activities to the best of ones ability, which is in our control...
Jazakallah khair :-)
there is a slight amendment you might want to make to that dua, i think it should read:
'Allahumma inni audhubika minal hammi wa'l huzni wa audhubika minal 'ajzi wa'l kasli wa audhubika minal jubni wa'l bukhli wa audhubika min ghalabati'd dayni wa qahrir Rijaal'
This is one of the prophetic supplication one makes three times in morning and evening.
With regards to dua, You have to understand that dua isn't just an action of the heart and tongue. But dua also involves a person to try to practically acquire the means for whatever it is that they want Allah Ta'ala to grant or remove. This is known as practical dua. for eg, we all want jannah and safeguard from jahanam, so we supplicate to Allah. But at the same time, we aught to abstain from the things that will lead us to hellfire and perform those things that will lead us to paradise!!!!! This is practical dua.
So whatever you are going through, ask Allah and then DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember, Allah is Almight and All Powerful that when he says 'be' It becomes, but He has sent us to this world for a short while to test us, and created 'Means' though which we can can survive in this short temporal life, so why not use those means that are available to you!!!!!!!
sorry pleas don't take this as lect but rather a reminder, as Allah Ta'ala says in the Quraan that reminder helps the believers!!!!
... Is it not through the remembrance of Allah that hearts find tranquility?
Al-Qur'an (13:28)
'We heal ourselves with Your remembrance and should we forget we are in relapse' - A poet once said
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