qasida in the prayer room
How cool is this?! An msa (muslim student association, i.e american uni isocs) having qasida/dhikr gathering! may need to lower your gaze while watching the video though :-P <<<<< nice paradox for your squidgy brains to muse over.
Notice the cluster of sisters at the corner? Wonder what their presence might lead to in the minds of the brothers:
Bro1 : oh man, mash'allah that amazing sister is here, damn WHY did i decide to shorten my beard yesterday!
Bro2 : I better sing well and take control of the direction of the session, girls like men who can lead......hmmm, or shall I be really humble and not say anything? that would be evident of my true sufistic character, they'll dig that!....mann....decisions decisions
Bro3 : astaghfirullah, I cannot believe am doing this in front of the lesser gender, astaghfirullah, this is going to be sooooo detriminial to my imaan, I accidentally looked in that direction once, I can feel my eyes burning with sin already!
i disagree with how brother 3 is presented. There is a lot of detriment to being around people of the opposite gender, detriment to ur mind, your eyes, your iman, your spirituality.. why is it that people that realise this are portrayed as extremists (and therefore presented as having the view that there is a 'lesser gender')?
I can see the point it was trying to make .. but its done in the wrong way.
why isnt my comment appearing :(
hmmmmm u need 2 explain but ill ask u neways but i thute it was funny
without fear of sounding like a salafi!..cos im not (may Allah bless them) but stuff like this is the reason why sufis get dissed sooo much. tasawwuf is in accordance with shariah, u cant have one without the other, this is what the teaching of tasawwuf tell us and this is what we tell our less enthusiastic salafi friends..but when they come across tings like this u can understand why they can raise an eyebrow and go "hmm...shariah huh?" basic shariah isn’t even followed by segregation, even more so when it comes to a qasidah, ur recited poetry, ur singing in a sweet melody, in front of women whos heart are known to be easily swayed as we know from Anas (Ra) that the Abyssinian Anjashah would sing to the camel that the wives of the prophet and the women when they travelled, and RasoolAllah said, woe be to you go slow in your singing while driving the fragile vessel! Meaning not only the build of the woman is delicate so she could fall off the camel because the singing cause the camel to go faster but also, the fitnah it could bring on the women’s hearts. I'm not saying that means no1 can hear a non mehram recite poetry but look at the circumstance and environment first, i pray to Allah the sisters wernt singing too and if not then what was the point being there they cud of just got another room and done their own its soo much more fun, and beautiful.
as my salafi friends say "this is the thing about u sufi..u wanna lax everything up the point nething goes as long as ur feeling the connection" ...NO..that is imitation sufism...real tasawwuf is shariah based and that speaks for its self!
May Allah forgive me if ive lacked Adab
btw.. just watched the qasida now. The sis above makes very good points.
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