my bros :-)

ei ei ei! I have uploaded a WHOLE picture onto blogger, totally imrpessed withself!
These are my 2 cutie butie gutie little brothers, Sadly however, the cuteness demises with time, the innocence disappears, the evils of the world take over, hmm, reminds me of the 'songs of innocence' by Talib al-Habib.
I shall relate two little conversations with each of my bros, coz they are TOOOOO cute, and I want to keep records of this as well as entertain you guys.
So once upon a day, I am up in my attic room praying, and the little one comes up to tell me to come and eat dinner. He's walking out and suddenly turns back with all this look of wisdom in his face and says
"Api, how many times do you say subhanarabbial a'la when in sujud?"
I say, "three?"
He says: "say it 9 times, its better"
A conversation regarding what to become when you grow up with the older one:
him: "I want to join the army and fight! Maybe become an army pilot"
Me: But the british army does bad things, its killing innocent people in Iraq and stuff
him: Ok then, I want to join an islamic army, fight for Islam!
Mash'Allah mash'Allah, they bring such warmth to by blackened heart!
cute.. and interesting..
makes u think, and realise why aspire4allah has no blog... t'would be too depressing
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww holly dere so cute so did u get all da BAD GENES???
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