How cool is this?! An msa (muslim student association, i.e american uni isocs) having qasida/dhikr gathering! may need to lower your gaze while watching the video though :-P <<<<< nice paradox for your squidgy brains to muse over.
Notice the cluster of sisters at the corner? Wonder what their presence might lead to in the minds of the brothers:
Bro1 : oh man, mash'allah that amazing sister is here, damn WHY did i decide to shorten my beard yesterday!
Bro2 : I better sing well and take control of the direction of the session, girls like men who can lead......hmmm, or shall I be really humble and not say anything? that would be evident of my true sufistic character, they'll dig that!....mann....decisions decisions
Bro3 : astaghfirullah, I cannot believe am doing this in front of the lesser gender, astaghfirullah, this is going to be sooooo detriminial to my imaan, I accidentally looked in that direction once, I can feel my eyes burning with sin already!