Saturday, March 18, 2006

“Brother stand the pain
Escape the poison of your impulses.
The sky will bow to your beauty, if you do.
Learn to light the candle. Rise with the sun.
Turn away from the cave of your sleeping.
That way a thorn expands to a rose.
A particular glows with the universal.”
- Rumi

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Rise. Move around the center
as pilgrims wind the Kaaba.

Being still is how one clay clod
sticks to another in sleep,

while movement wakes us up
and unlocks new blessings.


need to rise, need to move, neeed to need to move...move move move move...............

Saturday, March 11, 2006

A Foots Paradise

Courtesy of our newly emerging photographer

These extraordinary pairs of socks may be viewed on the reeking feet of miss safiyyah sethi. Her feet can usually be found in the labs where they indulge in the acts of murdering embryos (no worries, not human embryos!) in the basement of St Georges Hospital, Tooting.
For special viewing of these rare specimens without the enclosing of trainers, come to the prayer room. Her feet are most likely to be loitering there if not in the laboratories.

Jazakallah Khair

Saturday, March 04, 2006

qasida in the prayer room

How cool is this?! An msa (muslim student association, i.e american uni isocs) having qasida/dhikr gathering! may need to lower your gaze while watching the video though :-P <<<<< nice paradox for your squidgy brains to muse over.

Notice the cluster of sisters at the corner? Wonder what their presence might lead to in the minds of the brothers:

Bro1 : oh man, mash'allah that amazing sister is here, damn WHY did i decide to shorten my beard yesterday!

Bro2 : I better sing well and take control of the direction of the session, girls like men who can lead......hmmm, or shall I be really humble and not say anything? that would be evident of my true sufistic character, they'll dig that!....mann....decisions decisions

Bro3 : astaghfirullah, I cannot believe am doing this in front of the lesser gender, astaghfirullah, this is going to be sooooo detriminial to my imaan, I accidentally looked in that direction once, I can feel my eyes burning with sin already!