Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Posted this on the pinksufis site, but feel like pasting it everywhere! (reminds me of Raeesa's saying: 'we'll revise everything today!')

Your supplication is My message, dear,
And your striving to come close to Me
Is but a sign that I draw you to Me.
Your loving quest and pain:signs of My grace!
In each "O God!" a hundred "Here's My Face!"

(Mathnawi IV 189ff.)
Maulana Jallaluddin Rumi


I feel envious of the people who can study naturally.
I feel envious of my past self who could study naturally.
When you're doing medicine, it REALLY helps to be able to study.
Wish I knew what is wrong.

factual recall

A teeny update on what the last weekend consisted of:

Having dinner at our beloved pandoos. That place has a special spot in my heart.....*dreamy look*...however our private hideout got invaded midway by an influx of st georges beardos and beardos to be.

staying awake for over 36 hours till reached point of not being able to tell difference between reality and delusions.

playing 'truth' or 'truth' (coz we lazy people too lazy for dares) with 6 people cramped on a bed smaller than single.

inhaling all manners and forms of smoke coming out of hippy nostrils in wet weather and eating drugged kebabs. (though some people may deny that)

praying asr and maghrib at Goodge street (another beloved place) and roaming around euston on route getting home

Thursday, May 04, 2006

murky depths

weeks have passed and whirler returns to the world of blogging
and such weeks were they
void of goodness
and overflowing with indolence,
but that is the story of her life
she asks for du'as
du'as from her friends who care
care to ask the Lord
to raise this pathetic soul
from such murky depths.